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El Camino Solo
Competition: American Short Films
El Camino Solo
Shawn Telford
Comedy-drama | USA | 2015 | 10 min

Out of service. Out of gas. Out in the middle of nowhere. Yes, someone is having one of those days. But every once in a while, when least expected, the kindness of strangers can really turn that day around.

El Camino Solo is the story of a successful business man who doesn’t have time for anyone, not even his own family. That changes when his car runs out of gas on a desert highway in the middle of nowhere. Overcome by anger, he pitches his phone into the distance and tries in vain to get the occasional passerby to stop and help but no one will. Finally, at the end of his rope, a family of migrant workers stops for him but without a common language, he must learn to trust the kindness of strangers. 

Shawn Telford - Director & Screenwriter
Diana Dotter - Producer
Year : 2015
Country : USA
Runtime : 10 min
Language : English, Spanish
Colour : Colour