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  • Standing in the shadows of Motown
  • Standing in the shadows of Motown
  • Standing in the shadows of Motown
Standing in the shadows of Motown
Urban Atmospheres: Detroit
Standing in the shadows of Motown
Paul Justman
Documentary | USA | 2002 | 108 min
Date & Time
13:00 - Sat. 13 Jun 2015
Gaumont Marignan - S.1
EN/sFR - 35mm
Screening followed of a lecture by Franck Freitas

In 1959, Berry Gordy Jr. gathered the best musicians from Detroit’s thriving jazz and blues scene to begin cutting songs for his new record company. Over a fourteen year period they were the heartbeat on every hit from Motown’s Detroit era. By the end of their phenomenal run, this unheralded group of musicians had played on more number ones hits than the Beach Boys, the Rolling Stones, Elvis and the Beatles combined. Forty-one years after they played their first note on a Motown record and three decades since they were all together, the Funk Brothers reunited back in Detroit to play their music and tell their unforgettable story.


Paul Justman - Director


Paul Justman is a director and editor, known for Standing in the Shadows of Motown (2002) and The Doors: Live in Europe 1968 (1991)

Year : 2002
Country : USA
Runtime : 108 min
Language : English
Colour : Colour

Screening followed of a lecture by Franck Freitas

This lecture will focus on the place of Motown in the family tree of afro-american music in the US, trying to understand this label that revolutionized the idea of creating music, inspired by the industrialized model of the Ford’s factories in Detroit. Given the important part afro-american music played in the Civil Rights movement, this lecture will try to grasp the contribution of Motown to this struggle and how this label, more than any other one, achieved posterity.