In Bottle Rocket, a hilarious story with an original twist on the importance of friendship, three friends ineptly pursue a life of crime while sharing dreams of the lives they wish they had. Anthony (Luke Wilson) seeks true love. Bob (Robert Musgrave) yearns for a family. And Dignan (Owen Wilson) pursues a distinguished career in crime. After his release from a mental hospital following a psychological breakdown, the directionless Anthony joins up with his friend Dignan, who has come up with an outlandish scheme for a crime spree that somehow involves his former boss, the supposedly legendary Mr. Henry (James Caan). With the help of their pathetic neighbor and pal Bob, the three pull a job and hit the road. Along the way the would-be thieves each get what they wanted, but in ways they never expected.
Luke Wilson, Owen Wilson, Andrew Wilson, Robert Musgrave, James Caan