Still under house arrest after his release from prison, Keith, 24, is back walking down the streets of his abandoned neighborhood of Baltimore, looking for a way to make a living and to find purpose in his life. Even though Keith's world is full of setbacks, his biggest threats are his inner demons.
McCaul Lombardi, Jim Belushi, Zazie Beetz, Imani Hakim, Tom Guiry
Matt Porterfield, né en 1977, a écrit et réalisé quatre long métrages : Hamilton (2006), Putty Hill (2011), I Used To Be Darker (2013), Sollers Point (2017) et un court métrage, Take What You Can Carry (2015). En 2016, il a co-écrit et co-produit le premier film de Gastón Solnicki, Kékszakállú, à Buenos Aires. Il travaille en ce moment sur l’écriture de son prochain film Check Me in Another Place, qui se déroulera entièrement en Europe.