In an Arizona desert, a dystopian collective nightmare unfolds where US domestic and foreign policies collide. Near the Mexican border, the US military constructs fake Middle Eastern villages in which to simulate war operations and train soldiers. Migrants, coming from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and Haiti cross the punishing deserts on foot. They’re being pushed into these mock villages and other active bombing areas by Border Patrol enforcement. Meanwhile, a group of volunteers from San Diego spend weekends laboriously combing the vast desert, seeking the remains of lost and missing family members, friends, and strangers.
Volunteers of Aguilas del Desierto, Eli Ortiz, Jose M. Genis, Roberto Resendiz
Puck Lo's films explore utopian social movements, diaspora, migration, carceral and liberatory spaces, and political memory. Puck researches and writes about state and gender violence, fascism, and race. Puck lives between New York City and Joshua Tree, California.