In their feature debut, award-winning documentarians Ivete Lucas and Patrick Bresnan intimately share the lives and aspirations of four high-school seniors of color as they anxiously prepare for life outside Pahokee High School. In a rural, tight-knit town in Southern Florida, their high school is like none other, with an undefeated football team uniting the community and a prom that brims with gowns, tuxedos, and vintage cars. Lucas and Bresnan employ a graceful, poetic approach to their material that grants the many emotional moments in the film great authenticity.
Ivete Lucas is a director, producer and editor based in Austin. She was born in Brazil and grew up in Mexico. For the past 10 years, she has been making video art and co-directing observational documentaries with her partner Patrick Bresnan. Their last short film Skip Day won the Illy Prize prize at Directors Fortnight at Cannes. The Rabbit Hunt, their previous film, won over 20 festival prizes and the Cinema Eye Honor. Pahokee is their first feature-length film which world premiered at Sundance January 2019. Back in 2018, Pahokee's work in progress stage was part of Champs-Elysées Film Festival's professional programme, US in Progress Paris.
Patrick Bresnan is a visual artist and filmmaker. He received his formal education working for notable Mission School artists Clare Rojas and Barry McGee. Patrick holds a Master Degree in Sustainability from the University of Texas School of Architecture. He is currently developing his second feature in the Florida Panhandle.