In a small military town in Texas, three wild-spirited teenage girls live out a fever-dream summer. Through their characters, photographers and debut filmmakers Parker Hill and Isabel Bethencourt share a fascinating glimpse into authentic American girlhood, when the strictures of adolescence clash with the growing desire for personal agency.
PARKER HILL (Director, Cinematographer, Editor) is a New York City–based writer-director who graduated from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. Her thesis film, One Good Pitch, premiered at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival. Her short films Homing In and Sanderson to Brackettville have screened at BFI London Film Festival and online as a Vimeo Staff Pick, respectively. Cusp is her debut feature documentary.
Isabel Bethencourt is a filmmaker from a beach near Los Angeles, California. Her work as a director and cinematographer has been published by the Wall Street Journal, ESPN, GQ, and Teen Vogue. Cusp is her first feature documentary.