During filmmaker Nathan Silver’s 9th birthday party in May of 1992, chaos erupts as he attempts to make a film based on the L.A. Riots with his friends in his backyard. Nathan both directs and acts in the film, as his father captures the action on video. Uncooperative friends as actors, a 9-year old director, and a nagging mother result in another kind of riot.
Nathan Silver, Cindy Silver
Avec les voix de : Harvey L. Silver, Eric Silver
Nathan Silver graduated from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts in 2005. Since then, he has written and directed five short films and six feature films. His films have played in festivals around the world, including Locarno, New York, Rotterdam, Viennale, Vancouver, Los Angeles, Torino, Munich, and BAFICI and venues including MoMA and the Film Society of Lincoln Center.