Skin of Man is an experimental horror film directed by Baltimore-based artist Jimmy Joe Roche, produced by Matt Porterfield (Putty Hill, Sollers Point) and featuring an original score by Dan Deacon (Rat Film).
The film was shot on 16mm and bucket-processed in a dank, pitch-black hole. Roche then used insecticide, drano, and gasoline to disfigure the emulsion. As the psychodrama of the film escalates, the 16mm image begins to sweat, melt and erode. Skin of Man draws inspiration from structural filmmakers and chemists like Phil Solomon, Bridget & Wilhelm Hein and Peter Tscherkassky. The visionary cult films Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Begotten also served as pivotal influences.
Kiera Mulhern, Roxanne Reed, Joshua Christy
Jimmy Joe Roche is an interdisciplinary artist whose work encompasses video, sculpture, and performance. Video screenings include the Royal Academy of Arts in London, Boston Institute of Contemporary Art, J. Paul Getty Museum, and Museum of the Moving Image. Roche has had five solo exhibitions in New York, Texas, and Colorado.